
YouTube Ad free on Android


{{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} {{placeholder content=’e3ticml6eV9kY19wb3N0X3RpdGxlfX0=’}} Ads suck! The number of ads we get bombarded with is extremely annoying. In your browser, Ad Blocker helps you to have a good experience, but on your mobile within their app it can…

Reinstalling Software on Windows


So, you had to install windows new on your machine, and now the utterly boring part of reinstalling all your stuff is waiting for you. No need to feat. Windows now comes with Winget a powerful tool that helps you…

Vala Hati

Old Republic Aera: A young girl from Dathomir becomes the war slave for a Hutt, but frees herself with the help of a powerful Sith to take revenge